Monday, March 4, 2013

Carpet Man Business Profile Riverside Resident

We've heard that after buying a home and a car, the most important big-ticket purchase one can make is buying flooring. And it's not just something we walk on. In fact, it's one of the most thought-out purchases a person can make for a home (at least, it should be). It’s often the first thing people notice about someone else’s house, whether they realize it or not. You can showcase cleanliness and personal flair at a glance, depending on what style and type of flooring you choose. 
It isn’t an easy decision, full of variables and what-ifs, and that’s why people like Jason Judge and Chris Jackson of The Carpet Man are here to help. Jackson, owner of The Carpet Man, has been in the flooring business for more than 12 years. With locations on Beach Boulevard, Philips Highway and Wells Road, the company can offer a wide range of diverse flooring options, from carpeting, hardwood, tiling, and vinyl to area rugs. Jackson boasts a 24,000-square-foot showroom at the Wells Road location; it's the largest single facility for carpet and carpet cleaning in all of Florida. 
Jackson offers some friendly advice for first-time flooring buyers: Educate yourselves on the product and shop around. He urges customers to learn more about the investment they are making for their home and to visit his showrooms to expand their knowledge of the possibilities. The impressive warehouse is neatly organized and is easily maneuverable, making it less intimidating for the consumer than other constructed carpet showrooms. 
The Carpet Man stocks various grades of carpet and flooring options, ranging from wool — the Rolls Royce of carpet material, — to more economical choices, such as polyester and nylon, which are colorful and durable.
Jason Judge, The Carpet Man cleaning supervisor, has helped well over 1,000 area homes sparkle. If his money-back guarantee isn’t motivation enough to visit him at one of the three locations, his no-gimmick and honest policy will get you to contact him for all your floor-cleaning needs. The team at The Carpet Man has an infectious enthusiasm for what they do; it's apparent they have a lot of pride in building customer relationships. They're even gracious enough to share some helpful tips on how to maintain your carpet after the patina may have worn off: Always take off your shoes, wear socks, and try not to over-use what they refer to as ‘box store’ cleaning products — a simple white cloth and good old-fashioned water does the trick most of the time. When in doubt, give Jason a call to come save the day!
Jason Judge sports a three-quarter-ton Ford van for his carpet cleaning adventures and has been in the business for more than 16 years, serving the greater Jacksonville area, including Resident territories of San Marco and Riverside. He offers free cleaning options for Realtors and the best in quality removal of dirt, pet stains and grime. Using steam and hot water-extraction, The Carpet Man is able to renew most any type of flooring, making it appear brand-new, without the brand-new price.
The Carpet Man is located at 9776 Beach Boulevard (240-1312) and 9475 Philips Highway (363-6280), both in Jacksonville's Southside area, and at 1988 Wells Road (272-8430) in Orange Park. Call them today for a bright, clean floor tomorrow!,-Inc/44771-Resident-News-ROAM-March-2013/index.html#36

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