Monday, March 3, 2014

One Spark Home Host Blog

Hi, I’m Abigail, a volunteer co-chair for the Home Hosts Committee, and I’m excited to tell you about a new way that you can support One Spark Creators this year!

One Spark now has the perfect way for Jacksonvillians to get involved in One Spark in a very simple way; interested residents near or in the urban core acting as hosts to out of town Creators! The Home Host program is designed to help out-of-town Creators find clean, safe and free lodging while in Jacksonville participating in One Spark 2014. This program is especially beneficial for college-aged student Creators.

Home Hosts should be Jacksonville residents, preferably living in the urban core, who have more than just a general knowledge of Northeast Florida happenings and an extra couch or guest bedroom. Home Hosts need only provide a place for their assigned Creator to sleep and store personal belongings – anything above and beyond that is up to you.

The process is easy. Once you sign up to be a Home Host and are assigned your out-of-town Creator, you simply let them in your home. You don’t have to cook or do anything out of the ordinary while they are in your home — no laundry, no extra tasks (unless you want to of course).

For One Spark 2013, Diane Hale served as the first unofficial Home Host by opening her Avondale home to David Flores and Tony Dieppa, One Spark Creators of Eatable. The experience was positive for all parties and Hale has suggested that more Creators could benefit from The Home Host program.

 “We were so glad we didn’t have to drive all the way back to Gainesville every night during the festival,” said Tony, a University of Florida student.

Most Creators are exhausted after posting up in their booths all day and they really appreciate being able to go to a safe, clean place to crash. Being a Creator is hard work, and they will be at the festival most of the time.

“It was extremely effortless to be a host! It was wonderful! It gave me an inspired look at the next generation coming up,” said Diane.

Check out the informational video about the Home Host program here and the requirements below. []

  Supporting One Spark and showing your love for Jax has never been easier! Sign up [] today to be a One Spark Home Host!

Home Hosts Job

This year, we’re also offering a Home Host program for out-of-town Creators. The Home Host program is designed to help out-of-town creators find a place to stay while participating in One Spark. Different from the JAX Ambassadors, Home Hosts sign up to open their homes to Creators to stay while in Jacksonville. You do not have to be an Ambassador in order to be a Home Host. Home Hosts and Creators are matched based on an information sheet that both parties fill out. Home Hosts must have proper sleeping areas for Creators including a bed and or air mattress/ couch. Preferably, Home Hosts live in or close to downtown. Creators must pass background checks to be approved for the Home Host program. If you’re interested in hosting a Creator at your home for the five days of the festival, please fill out this online application.


·         Alert One Spark staff to any One Spark-related problems your assigned Creators may be experiencing
·         Help your assigned Creators find their way around
·         Make sure your respective Creators have a fantastic time in Jacksonville

·         Able to host Creators in your home from April 8-14, 2014
·         Attend one-hour training in March 2014 (dates TBD)
·         Background Check
·         Care about acting as a great host for Creators at One Spark
·         Clean bathroom and sleeping areas
·         Passionate and knowledgeable about Jacksonville

·         Personal mobile phone

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