Wednesday, April 3, 2013

In Memoriam Dale Regan

On March 6 under the majestic oak tree at Episcopal High School a congregation of family, friends, students, and colleagues gathered to celebrate the life of Dale D. Regan, former head of school at EHS. It was a year to the date that she was taken from the community. The oak tree on the campus had meant so much to her and her family. She along with her sons, John and Duke Regan, would spend time together playing on the grounds under the great tree as a family, even taking family photos there. It was fitting that she was honored with the memorial plaza underneath. Behind a stage decorated with vibrant colored ribbons and kites was a platform of friends and family. 7 flags behind them had one word printed on each of them representing what Ms. Regan meant to so many people: Mentor, Love, Faith, Teacher, Friend, Family, and Legacy. It was evident by the hundreds of people that came to show support that she touched many people’s lives. State Attorney Angela Corey remembered her from the perspective as a former student of hers at Englewood High school. “Dale saw more potential in us than we could see for ourselves." Oldest son John Regan recalled a quote by Martin Luther that inspired his mother, “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” That seemed to be the overall sentiment of the morning-to carry on and rejoice in the time the people shared with such a remarkable and well-loved woman. Dale Regan’s legacy will certainly live on in the hearts of her community.,-Inc/44774-Resident-News-San-Marco-April-2013/index.html#2

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