Wednesday, April 3, 2013

JCCI Young Professionals Party

March 2013
Networking as a young adult can be crucial for ‘making it’ in the business world. Long lasting professional relationship require a certain amount of rapport that can sometimes be difficult to establish and attending events sponsored by up and coming groups like JCCIforward aids in facilitating bonds that may otherwise be labored if one is not ambitious enough. Effectively, there were over 100 people eager to shake hands and weave through 927 Events for the JCCI sponsored Pizza Party. The  Kick off following the March JAX2025 meeting supported the “In-Town vs Downtown Forum” by JCCI.. The organization with the most young professionals representing their affiliation won tickets to the “Prom” themed party on June 8. Aiming for the honor were several groups; United Way Atlantic Circle, TransformJAx, The Republican Revolt Group, FDOT, Jax Parks, Dragstravaganza, One Spark, and JCCIForward to name a few. The tickets were won by Rotaract of Florida’s First Coast with 8% of the total attendees. Their vision is to enhance our community through the common bonds of professional development, service and friendship. In 2nd place was United Way Atlantic Circle. Intuition Ale Works donated plenty of libations from their brewery and the party was catered by the in house chefs from 927 Events. Ennis Davis, a civic activist spoke about the power of the people in our surrounding downtown boroughs and how getting involved can make such a difference in the vibrancy of our community. One Spark outreach and engagement director, Aschelle Morgan was also on hand to speak on behalf of the foundation in order to inspire existing volunteers to recruit more friends to the crowd funding festival in mid-April. Michelle Simkulet, volunteer coordinator for JAX2025, explains that the “In Town vs Downtown” forum will help give a better understanding of the obstacles and challenges that face those citizens trying to improve the core and surrounding neighborhoods. She added, “There is so much interest in downtown and in our neighborhoods but sometimes we forget that downtown is actually multiple neighborhoods connected.” The conversation topics begin with, “Framing the Issue, Neighborhoods: New and Old, Mobility and Connectivity, Public Spaces: Parks and The River, Arts, Culture and Entertainment.” They will be held on Wednesdays from March 27 through April 24 inside WJCT’s community room. All the JCCI events are always welcome to the public and not limited to a YPO or any other affiliations.

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